Fighter Squadrons Branch

Warries and Stories

Early Radio Broadcast - Sabre Breaking Sound Barrier

The recording via the below link is a pretty amazing piece of Aussie aviation history. It is a recording of A94-101, the first CAC Sabre, the prototype, being pushed through the sound barrier in a dive as the Pilot Flight Lieutenant W Scott chats casually with Geelong Radio station 3GL announcer Bill Acfield on the ground.

It was recorded on the 21st of August 1953 not even one month after the Sabre’s first ever flight (back on the 3rd August) at Avalon airfield near Geelong, Victoria, Australia. The recording was transmitted live and even played by other radio stations and was released on vinyl and sold as a fund raiser for the hospital in Geelong, which is where this recording has been taken from.

From Bob Richardson

I must admit that I'd forgotten how long ago it was that Bill Scott in A94 101 did that! I had to look it up to confirm the August 1953 date. (I was just 12 at the time, lol.) 

Reminds me of the way we used to depress the gunsight pipper about 130 milliradians from memory, then dive from 45,000 ft, often tickling the speed brake in and out to send a continual series of transonic booms toward the chosen target. I did that very successfully on the Crown airfield, then under construction by the British Army north of Ubon, in 1964. I'd been playing golf with a young engineer officer from Crown on a Sunday, and was programmed for an engine air test on the following day, so I told him I'd give him a midday time hack. He later said the whole base was quite impressed, especially his irate CO...
