Fighter Squadrons Branch

Warries and Stories

Roll of Honour 77 SQN RAF inc RAAF members

In grateful and everlasting memory of the 891 airmen and 3 naval pilots who died while serving with77Squadron 1939 1945

230 have no known grave and are commemorated at the RAF memorial at Runnymede.

104 are buried in the UK and Ireland.

322 are buried in Germany.

The remaining graves are in Belgium, Denmark, Holland, France and Poland.

216 became prisoners of war. 20 successfully evaded capture or escaped.

Click on thisRoll of Honour for the names of the gallant young men killed in action. The list is compiled alphabetically by surname, together with decorations, rank, first names, which air force if not RAF, crew position, the date of last operation. (We acknowledge Roy Walkers book: Some of the Fewfor the list which appears on pages 19-45 of his book.)

Gravestones.We also have photographs of many 77 Squadron graves. These were taken by Association members, John and Marianne Sutherland as a service to family members of those buried.

Australians.Our friend with 77 Squadron RAAF in Australia, Lesley Gent, has compileda listof the members of the RAAF who served with 77 Squadron and were killed in action, together with photographs and interesting mini-biographies as tributes to these brave men.